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  • YubiKey NEO & FIDO U2F: One Key for All AppsI’ve been in this business for a long time and watched a lot of promise collapse and a fair number of snake oil salesmen flourish. Strong authentication is one of those technology conundrums that always seems to be partially solved. The drawbacks of traditional one-time passcodes are well understood and we’ve always truly known their […]Read moreFIDOU2FYubiKey NEO
  • Growing bigger, stronger…We are growing! The authentication market is locking into its stride, and there has never been another period when computer experts and novices have spent so much time, effort and debate on what has mostly been the silent corner of the Internet – security. To keep up, Yubico has added horsepower by hiring new people […]Read moreabout Yubico
  • Danish Experts Tap YubiKey Security for Government and BanksWhen security consultant Ian Qvist talks about YubiKeys, he does so with a knowing grin and the knowledge he’s tightening security without adding complexity. Qvist works with customers such as government agencies and Danish banks whose IT teams are looking for answers to specialized security needs. “We use YubiKeys in a lot of places,” says Qvist, […]Read morefinancial servicesgovernmentLastPassWorks with YubiKey
  • When Will YubiKey NEO Work with iPhone 6 NFC?Yubico has heard this question a lot over the past days since the iPhone 6 was released with NFC support. The answer would be “now” if Apple had an open ecosystem, but that likely won’t be the case for another 12-16 months. But put a pushpin on your roadmap, the YubiKey NEO will be a multi-factor authentication […]Read moreAppleFIDOiPhonenfcU2FYubiKey NEO
  • YubiKey powers Salesforce 2FA platformIn the next three weeks, Salesforce will add a second major piece within the past year to its identity and access management capabilities. At its annual Dreamforce conference, Salesforce will unveil the Winter 15 edition, including a new feature called Login Flows that allows Salesforce admins to customize the login experience for their users. On […]Read more2FAWorks with YubiKey
  • Welcome to the Future, It’s about to Get Really Interesting…This week ushered in my start with Yubico and I couldn’t be happier to be a part of what is going on here. The challenge in any new job is that while your colleagues are at a full-on run, you’re still learning how to walk. But after five days, I do know I better catch […]Read moreabout YubicoAppleiPhonenfc
  • YubiKey & BadUSBUpdated Oct. 22, 2014 to include information on Security Key We have received a few questions with regards to “BadUSB” concept and the YubiKey, presented at BlackHat 2014. This was picked up by, where the problem domain is somewhat expanded into a claim that the “Security of USB Is Fundamentally Broken”. Although there are a few […]Read morehardwarephishingYubiKey
  • The Future of Online AuthenticationLast week, Yubico delivered a glimpse into the future of online authentication with a presentation at Mozilla. If you missed the live talk about FIDO Alliance Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) and in-the-browser authentication for the mass market, please watch the archived video below. In the 60 minute presentation, Yubico discusses the motivation behind U2F, provides […]Read moreFIDO AllianceU2FYubiKey NEO
  • YubiKey NEO UpdatesUPDATE: YubiKeys with serial numbers 2624253 to 2624449 and 2624801 to 2625499 are also not configured with fixed card manager keys. Our YubiKey NEO, is a JavaCard-based product. The NEO has a set of card manager keys that allows you to delete/add/update the software “applets” running on the NEO, through the Global Platform interface. We […]Read moreOpenPGPYubiKey NEO
  • Lost YubiKey Best PracticesWe hope that you will not lose your YubiKey, but for larger deployments and serious use, establishing processes around lost YubiKeys is an important and challenging aspect. Yubico has offered the YubiRevoke service to help with this aspect, which is a centralized way to disable YubiKeys validated through the YubiCloud. Initially we thought this was […]Read moreYubiCloudyubico.comYubiKey