Tag: authentication
YubiEnterprise Delivery Service expands to 49 countries to help customers increase remote work security for distributed workforces The past two years have seen a tremendous amount of change regarding normal business processes for companies around the world, and our customers are no exception. When YubiEnterprise Delivery was first launched in May of 2020, organizations and their workforces, partners, and customers were just beginning to grapple with the new challenges that the pandemic […] Read more authentication MFA remote workers YubiEnterprise YubiKey -
Future-Proof Authentication & Compliance for Healthcare – Yubico Healthcare continues to remain one of the most highly targeted industries by cyber criminals. In fact, with the COVID-19 pandemic, the industry has seen a doubling of the number of cyber attacks – attacks which are both costly ($9.23 million, on average) and disruptive. What’s even more troubling is that these attacks are likely to […] Read more authentication compliance healthcare passwordless -
GitHub no longer accepts passwords for Git authentication, secure your accounts with YubiKey GitHub has been a longstanding supporter of strong security for its customers and developer communities. From its most recent support for using U2F and FIDO2 security keys for SSH, to its 2019 announcement of Web Authentication (WebAuthn) support for security keys and 2015 Universal Second Factor (U2F) support, the company has continued to give its […] Read more authentication GitHub passwordless -
Everything you need to know about the revised eIDAS regulation In June 2021, the EU Commission announced its plans for a revised eIDAS regulation. eIDAS (electronic IDentification, Authentication and trust Services) is the EU regulation 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services in the EU. It came into force in 2014, so the revision is a major update to eIDAS. The past two years the […] Read more authentication eidas government -
Yubico and Okta Organizations can combine the adaptive access management of Okta and YubiKey’s strong MFA to provide the right authentication for every situation. Read more authentication identity and access management Okta -
Considerations When Building a Secure Passwordless Strategy Learn the key considerations when building a passwordless strategy for your organization, using FIDO2/WebAuthn, smart card, or both. Read more authentication passwordless -
Bridge to Passwordless: Separating fact from fiction – Yubico “Passwordless” can feel like a loaded term, with the security industry filled with differing and contradictory positions on the topic. The purpose of this whitepaper is to take an objective approach to understand the challenges that passwords present, what “passwordless” means, and what enterprises can expect moving forward as passwordless authentication matures. Read more authentication passwordless -
Federal government authentication lessons Learn what the government did right and what challenges still lie ahead. Read more authentication federal government -
Authentication Best Practices to Protect Against Identity Phishing Learn what strong authentication really is, why it’s key for enterprise-wide identity assurance. Read more authentication phishing -
YubiKey FIPS Series FIPS 140-2 validated security keys Meets stringent compliance requirements for highly security-conscious organizations Superior authentication FIPS 140-2 validated (Overall Level 1 and Level 2, Physical Security Level 3) Meets the highest authenticator assurance level 3 (AAL3) of NIST SP800-63B guidance. Easy, fast, reliable Hardware authenticator, offering one-touch strong authentication. Does not require a battery or […] Read more authentication FIPS 140-2 NIST YubiKey FIPS Series